Copyrights and Attributions

Our balloon maps use data from a number of sources. Please find these sources listed below.

Map details (roads, railways, place names, water features, and so on): OS OpenData ( OS VectorMap District ( version 2022-11 “Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2022”

Greenspace details (golf courses, playing fields, parks): OS Open Greenspace ( version 2022-10 “Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2022”

Contours: OS Terrain 50 ( version 2022-08 “Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2022”

Airspace and Airport data: ( OpenAIP data is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. This licence allows third parties to share openAIP data in any format or medium and remix, transform and build on it’s data. OpenAIP data must remain free for everyone to use. Third parties may ship openAIP data with paid/commercial applications as long as they don’t exclusively sell openAIP data, e.g. as a paid monthly data update. NOTE THAT AIRSPACE IS SHOWN FOR INDICATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND MUST NOT BE RELIED UPON FOR FLYING PURPOSES. REFER TO THE LATEST CAA AIR MAP FOR DEFINITIVE INFORMATION.

Runways: © OpenStreetMap contributors Copyright details here

Public Rights of Way

Public rights of way are made available by local authorities under the Open Government Licence. For further details on each authority’s rules, please refer to the specific authority in this table. Rights of way are shown for indication only and each authority’s definitive map should be consulted for the latest information.

Sensitive Areas

Sensitive Area information is taken from the British Balloon and Airship Club’s sensitive area database. Contributions to this have been made by many, many balloonists since the database was created in the 1980’s.

Members of the public should submit corrections (additions, modifications and deletions) to :

BBAC Members should submit additions to their local LRO. Additions and deletions should be forwarded to

Icons: Microlight, Helicopter and Glider Icons by Grégory Montigny (Noun Project) licensed under the Creative Commons Licence.